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Man Meets Bear
Collapsing Opposites
The Rain and the Sidewalk
April 23, 2004
Pats Pub
Do you enjoy a good buffet? Well I do! Theres
something about being able to repeatedly fill my plate with as many different
foods as possible until I am sick with pleasure, combined with paying
a cheap all inclusive base price that really gets me going. I think that
must be why I particularly enjoyed this show. My intense personal relationship
with the smorgasbord was translated into a live musical menagerie in this
onemanbandstravaganza. First was Man Meets Bear, a local
musician who can often be spotted on Monday nights at the Gallery. With
his laptop, electric guitar, melodica, and microphone he told the audience
that for him this show was like a hamburger essay, and as
he began, his thesis was clearly one of righteousness. Melody rich songs
poured forth from the stage, combined with high pitch vocals and electronic
spinal chords, that laid an interesting foundation for the skillful guitar
work to dance over.
During the set, songs became intricately linked
together in a sort of medley that swung from genre to genre. Everything
from countryesque, to dance beats, to noiserock guitar solos
spewed out from the speakers, and as Man Meets Bears set came to
a woeful conclusion, the other two acts joined him onstage to jam into
the next musicians set. This is how Collapsing Opposites came to
be standing before me, otherwise known as Ryan McCormick of They Shoot
Horses, Dont They? fame. Armed with a keyboard, saxophone, guitar,
and looping/effects pedal, Ryan delighted the audience with his earnest
verbose lyrics, and sweeping layered musical backdrops. Storing guitar
riffs in his pedal, and then moving over to the keyboard, Collapsing Opposites
was able to create a rich and heavy sound. Pairing this with unique nasal
vocals that ramble on about such things as Jesus, being cool, buffalo,
and even Steven Malkmus, Ryan was able to incorporate his personality
and his musical talents to showcase a unique musical experience.
During his last song, Man Meets Bear, and The
Rain and the Sidewalk ran back on stage, and again played us into the
next set. This brings us to The Rain and the Sidewalk, who commanded attention
straight away with the industrial prefab beats emitting from his
electronica miscellaneous. Along with his heavy bass guitar riffs, and
his buddy accompanying him on the turntables, he delivered a sound that
could be classified as neonew wave. I was excited, I
felt like I was listening to the cure, but with worse hair. Although it
was an extremely entertaining live show (complete with a death sequence,
and a mysterious woman all dressed in black), songs began to sound a bit
repetitive, or maybe it was just their lyrical focus on worthlessness
and unworthiness.
Either way, for a night down at Pats Pub,
the audience more than got its moneys worth, and the metaphorical
buffet left me feeling satisfied in a way that only unzipping your jeans
to make way for the extra girth can. My Prediction: The year of the One
Man Band.
Sofia Japan